Twenny Twelf
I was busy getting ignored by the pretty young secretary at
our work Christmas party on Friday the 21st, when a colleague came up and
tapped me on the shoulder and said:
”Hey, isn’t the world supposed to end in the next hour or so?”I had completely forgotten about that Mayan bullshit, the Doomsday predictions harvested from a chunk of Mexican rock. A broken monument I might add, that was missing the glyph that would tell us what was supposed to happen in late 2012 – so people just assumed it meant complete global destruction. The Mayans could have been warning us about an incoming cold front, or that modern TV shows would be adding the word “adorkable” to our vocabulary. Nah, we assumed the worst.
But guess what, here I am slamming out a quick post before
heading off to Victor Harbour for NYE – and the world is still turning.
2012 (aka year of the Gangnam) was an interesting year, I
hope to get a few posts up in the next few weeks – it was a particularly great
year for cinema, for instance.
But for now, I need to jump in my car to head to Victoria to
get on the piss with the Fuller Brothers (god, just reading that sentence out loud
makes me feel half drunk).
Hopefully my piece of shit car lasts the journey. Maybe that
is what the hidden piece of Mayan rock was predicting? A hieroglyph of my
smoking car pulled over on the side of the highway, while some lonely truck
driver rapes me in the mouth at knife point? Only one way to find out.
Best wishes for the new year kids.