Band Aid on a Broken Leg
Earth Hour is kicking off tonight at 8:30pm. I’m going to celebrate it by sitting under the biggest fuck you lights in Adelaide at AAMI Stadium, watching the Crows play Hawthorn.
But in a conscious effort to hide my laziness under the blanket of saving electricity, I will now switch off my computer and stop typing, and direct you instead to my Earth Hour Rant post from 2009.
I’ll leave you on this article from ABC News:
But in a conscious effort to hide my laziness under the blanket of saving electricity, I will now switch off my computer and stop typing, and direct you instead to my Earth Hour Rant post from 2009.
I’ll leave you on this article from ABC News:
The Chairman of Western Australia's largest sustainability program says Earth Hour is tokenistic and a waste of time.
John Carlson, from the not-for-profit initiative Days of Change, says the event gives people a false sense of achievement.
"In one hour you can't save enough energy to make a significant impact on the country or the world," Mr Carlson said.