False Start
So yeah, this was going to be the month where I post one article a day, every day, until May ends or my fingers snap off and my brain haemorrhages out my nose. Whichever comes first.
As luck would have it, my computer had another of those viruses that a handful of my friends can circumnavigate, but which leave me in a state of perplexion. Fuck you Microsoft Word and your red squiggly line, perplexion is a word. I’m pretty sure it is.
It was one of those viruses that shutdown your existing virus scan software, disallow any web surfing to find a solution to the problem, and then pretty much hold you to ransom until you purchase the virus scan they want you too.
Luckily Burge dropped out of the blue, and worked his magic. I was up and running again. Sorta. The initial virus seems to have gone, but my computer is still giving me grief through the mischievous acts of digital poltergeists. It keeps giving me false virus alarms, has been playing havoc with my windows security centre, and at one point was making the screen shake up and down. Most annoyingly, the computer has adopted the habit of restarting without any real warning. I learnt this when I was halfway through the photoshopped image banner for “May-hem 3”, and had not yet saved the file and so lost the whole thing.
And before you say “Ha ha Beef!, you were looking up amputee porn or some shit and got a virus! Lolz!” I got the virus while surfing a combination of face book, film sites and updating my Dream Team for the AFL. My Dream team kinda sucks by the way.
So my computer is a little too temperamental at the moment to trust it with handling a barrage of blog posts. Don’t be too disappointed kids, I’ll still deliver 31 posts in a row, just at a later date. The computer should be back to it’s old self by the end of the week, so I think I’ll start the 31 post run on May the 10th, which would give it a finishing date at the start of the World Cup in June. Good times.
Think of this post as our first attempt at infiltrating David Lopan’s lair. We got the kidnapped girls, but not the Pork Chop Express or Miao Yin, and lost Gracie law in the process. Next week, we return to the Wing Kong Exchange with Egg Shen and the Chang Sings to kick this off properly.
As luck would have it, my computer had another of those viruses that a handful of my friends can circumnavigate, but which leave me in a state of perplexion. Fuck you Microsoft Word and your red squiggly line, perplexion is a word. I’m pretty sure it is.
It was one of those viruses that shutdown your existing virus scan software, disallow any web surfing to find a solution to the problem, and then pretty much hold you to ransom until you purchase the virus scan they want you too.
Luckily Burge dropped out of the blue, and worked his magic. I was up and running again. Sorta. The initial virus seems to have gone, but my computer is still giving me grief through the mischievous acts of digital poltergeists. It keeps giving me false virus alarms, has been playing havoc with my windows security centre, and at one point was making the screen shake up and down. Most annoyingly, the computer has adopted the habit of restarting without any real warning. I learnt this when I was halfway through the photoshopped image banner for “May-hem 3”, and had not yet saved the file and so lost the whole thing.
And before you say “Ha ha Beef!, you were looking up amputee porn or some shit and got a virus! Lolz!” I got the virus while surfing a combination of face book, film sites and updating my Dream Team for the AFL. My Dream team kinda sucks by the way.
So my computer is a little too temperamental at the moment to trust it with handling a barrage of blog posts. Don’t be too disappointed kids, I’ll still deliver 31 posts in a row, just at a later date. The computer should be back to it’s old self by the end of the week, so I think I’ll start the 31 post run on May the 10th, which would give it a finishing date at the start of the World Cup in June. Good times.
Think of this post as our first attempt at infiltrating David Lopan’s lair. We got the kidnapped girls, but not the Pork Chop Express or Miao Yin, and lost Gracie law in the process. Next week, we return to the Wing Kong Exchange with Egg Shen and the Chang Sings to kick this off properly.